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UK scientists find flaws in transgenic corn tests

(April 29, 2002 – CropChoice news) – British researchers found that when they fed genetically modified or conventional corn to chickens, twice as many of the chickens on the diet of T-25, the transgenic corn, died. The British government overlooked this research in 1996 when it gave the go ahead to commercialization of T-25; France and the rest of the EU already had approved the variety.

Various scientists told the BBC ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1954000/1954408.stm) that the science regulators relied upon – one study on rats and one on chickens – was insufficient and poorly executed.

The T-25 corn is now grown throughout the United Kingdom for cattle feed and for use in the government’s field crop trials.

"Peter Ainsworth, shadow secretary of state for the Department for Environment (Defra) is calling for an overhaul of the whole approvals process for GM crops," according to the BBC.

Meanwhile, the government is still field testing genetically modified oilseed rape and beets.

Source: BBC