(Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2003 -- CropChoice news) -- A survey of the five main UK farm insurance underwriters and brokers by the new campaigning organization FARM, found that neither farmers considering growing genetically modified (GM) crops or non-GM farmers seeking to protect their businesses from contamination by GM crops would be able to find anyone
willing to give them insurance.
Insurance company spokespeople compared GM crops to Thalidomide, Asbestos and "Acts of Terrorism," according to FARM spokespeople.
All the companies surveyed felt that too little was known about the long
term effects of growing these crops on human health and the environment
to be able to offer any form of coverage.
FARM released the survey in conjunction with its briefing, "GM Crops: Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff," which, according to the group, sets out the facts about transgenic crops as they will affect practical, working farmers and the markets they produce for - if the Government gives the go-ahead for commercial planting in the United Kingdom.
For further information contact:
Freddie Whitefield 0207 349 5833
Robin Maynard 0207 349 5832/07932 040452
Summary of results and some notes on the comments made by the
spokespersons for each company:
1. AIUA (Agricultural Insurance Underwriters Agency) (Norwich Union/Sun Alliance)
Have an exclusion clause for liability arising from GM crops. Do not
anticipate any change in position.
Spokesperson said that the reason for this was that they had no idea
what the long term effects might be. There is such a degree of
uncertainty surrounding the potential risks, and the effects could take
generations to manifest.
2. Rural Insurance Group (Lloyds)
Also have a set exclusion clause putting GM crops in the same bracket
as "acts of terrorism."
The reason they have this is because they have no track record which
they are willing to base assessments of risk on. They feel there is too
much fear surrounding the topic. Whenever it comes on TV, it raises
fears of mass problems associated with contamination. The insurance
companies have learned to be cautious about new things.
3. BIB Underwriters Limited (AXA)
Have set exclusion clause which was amended within the last year, and
will continue to apply if commercialisation is approved.
Basically they would turn down any policy that has any association with
GM. So that would include farm buildings and property insurance as well
as public liability. The reason for this is that alongside the problems
of cross contamination, they envisage problems associated with arson or
vandalism due to anti-GM protestors.
4. NFU Mutual
Have had a policy for some time now that they will not provide insurance
for farmers choosing to grow GM crops. Unless there is a serious
increase in the quality of available information there will be no change
in their standpoint.
They believe that the risks are not fully understood. They cannot see
this position changing in the near future despite the proximity of
possible contamination. Their recommendation to farmers considering
growing these crops is to approach the industry/seed companies and
obtain some liability insurance through them.
Business combined Policy Endorsements Part A 030A Genetically Modified crops:
"NFU Mutual will not indemnify the insured in respect of any liability
arising from the production, supply of or presence on the premises of
any genetically modified crop, where liability may be attributed
directly or indirectly to the genetic characteristics of the crop. In
particular, no indemnity will be provided in respect of liability
arising from the spread or the threat of spread of genetically modified
organism characteristics into the environment or any change to the
environment arising from research into, testing of or production of
genetically modified organisms"
5. Farm Web
Are currently reviewing their position on this in light of the postions
taken by Re-insurance companies and developments in the EU. At the
moment they do not have a set statement but say they would have to
consider each case on its own context.
Quotes from insurance spokespeople collected by researcher during survey:
- "The worry is that GM could be like Thalidomide, "only after some time
would the full extent of the problems be seen"
- "50 years ago they were writing policies for asbestos without a care in
the world. Now they are faced with bills of hundreds of millions. There
is a feeling that GM could come back and bite you in five years time."
- "If a farmer approached us with any kind of insurance policy relating to
a farm associated with GM we would have to refuse their application whatever the kind of insurance applied for."
To obtain a copy of FARM's GM briefing please contact Freddie Whitefield on 0207 349 5833 or at info@farm.org.uk