Cargill chief named to Presiden'ts advisory committee on international trade (Friday, March 7, 2003 -- CropChoice news) -- JOSH SOSLAND, BAKING BUSINESS via Agribusiness Examiner : President Bush has appointed Warren R. Staley, chairman and chief executive officer of Cargill, Inc., to serve on the President’s Export Council, the premier national advisory committee on international trade.
Mr. Staley joins a blue-ribbon group of business leaders that includes chief executives of Bechtel Corp., The Boeing Co., Dell Computer Corp., Merck & Co., Goldman Sachs Group, ExxonMobil, General Motors Corp. and Eli Lily and Co.
The panel, which also includes several government leaders, promotes export expansion, advises the President on government policies and programs affecting trade and provides a forum for discussing and resolving trade-related problems. |