Whither the Flavr Savr? (Friday, June 25, 2004 -- CropChoice news) -- The promise was great: a vine-ripened tomato that would hold its ripeness while shipped across country and stored on a grocer’s shelf until purchased and consumed. And so we ask, “Whither the Flavr Savr?” This Saturday at 9AM Pacific, the Food Chain with Michael Olson hosts Dr. Kent J. Bradford, Director of the UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center, and patent attorney Barbara Rae-Venter for a conversation about the past, present and future of genetically engineered foods. Listen on your computer at http://www.metrofarm.com Topics include the development and disappearance of the Flavr Savr tomato; the total absense of genetically-engineered horticultural crops in today’s marketplace; and a look at what kinds of foods recombinant gene technology might bright to our dinner tables. Listeners are invited to call the program on KFRM , KGET , KGOE , KMPH, KNTK, KOMY, KSCO , KTIP , KVON or TRUTH RADIO with questions and comments, or log them to the Forum page at metrofarm.com. |