Anchalee Kongrut
Bangkok Post
(Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2002 -- CropChoice news) -- Ammar Siamwalla, a senior economist, was cited as saying yesterday that
biotechnology and patent laws could lead to a host of conflicts between
developed and developing nations, and that fear of biotechnology in Thailand
has been misplaced and narrowly focused on the safety of consuming
genetically modified crops, adding, "From the perspective of an economist,
the issue at the heart of the biotechnology problem is that the new
technology is not equally distributed and belongs to only a few
transnational companies."
Michael Blakeney, director of Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research
Institute, University of London, was cited as saying that developing
countries hold only 6% of biotechnology patents while developed nations hold
the rest.
Jakkrit Kuanpote, a lecturer on patent law, said opposition to biotechnology
in Thailand was mainly due to a lack of laws governing benefit-sharing.
Thailand has yet to ratify the Convention on Biological Diversity, which
advocates the opening up of biological resources for research with the
condition that any benefits derived from such research be shared with
nations or communities owning the resources.
Thailand, however, has passed the Plant Variety Act to guard against
biopiracy since 1999 but a specific law guiding benefit-sharing is yet to be
Source:Bangkok Post via AgNet