(Monday, July 14, 2003 -- CropChoice news) -- From a news release.
Leaders from Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement (MST), along with 7 Brazilian
congressional representatives, will be visiting the United States July 28 to
August 4 to connect with North America farmers, activists and legislators.
As you know, biotech mega corporation Monsanto sponsored a tour of a Brazilian
legislators, scientists and government “advisors” from June 14-24. The
delegation visited Monsanto and other biotech industry representatives, as
well as USDA, EPA and FDA officials. The delegation’s overriding objective was
to “persuade” Brazil to alter its Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) policy.
The tour came on the heels of Monsanto’s announcement that it would seek legal
measures to charge Brazilian farmers for allegedly infringing on the
corporation’s intellectual property rights.
In response to the Monsanto sponsored delegation, the MST is organizing
a “Counter Tour” to link up with North American farmers, activist, and
lawmakers, as well as acquire the necessary legal and scientific tools to
combat GMOs in Brazil.
Vibrant Brazilian social movements, together with the election of President
Luis Ignácio “Lula” da Silva, make Brazil a determining factor in the future
of both GMOs and Free Trade.
This counter tour presents a unique opportunity
to fortify continental activist networks and throwback the advance of free
trade and corporate agribusiness.
The 1 million strong MST, best known for its role in spearheading the fight
for agrarian reform, is also leading the charge against GMOs and the Free
Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). For example, the MST has invaded and
occupied 3 Monsanto transgenic field trials this year alone, looking to
convert them to agro-ecological family farms.
The MST also played a key role
in the Brazilian national plebiscite that turned out over 10 million votes
against the FTAA.
Brazil currently has a moratorium on GMOs. And as the second largest soy
producer in the world, as well as primary source of GM-Free soy, Brazil is
competing for the United States’ soy export market, particularly the European
Union. As a result, Brazil has come under the wrath of both the US and biotech
multinationals like Monsanto.
The survival of Monsanto depends largely on Brazil’s adoption of GMO crops.
Without access to Brazil’s massive agriculture powerhouse economy, Monsanto’s
advance of GMO patented technology could grind to a halt.
Monsanto has gone so far as to accuse Brazilian farmers of “biopiracy,” for
allegedly stealing their patented seeds.
Critics of GMOs in Brazil, including the MST, contend that the approval of
GMOs will create greater land concentration, threaten food security and
undermine farmers rights. The GMO experience in the United States and Canada
provides ample enough evidence.
If you would like more information or want to get involve in the Counter Tour,
please contact Ryan Zinn of the Organic Consumers Association at
ryan@organicconsumers.org or 714-943-1568.
For more information on the MST, visit (www.mstbrazil.org) or FMST, c/o Global
Exchange, 2017 Mission Street, #303, San Francisco, California 94110 (415) 255-
The Counter Tour is sponsored by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA),
Friends of the MST, Food First, Ag Missions and the Genetic Engineering Action
Network (GEAN).