Israel formulating GMO policy likely to resemble European Union stance (Aug. 8, 2002 -- CropChoice news) -- Israel's pending policy on genetically modified organisms likely will resemble that of the European Union, according to a USDA Foreign Agricultural Service report. Israeli authorities currently require the declaration of imported transgenic soybeans.
"The government of Israel has appointed two committees to determine GMO policy, one chaired by the Ministry of Health and the second by a representative of the Plant Protection and Inspection Service of the MOA. The MOH committee circulated its proposal for public comment in 2001 and has now modified its proposed "general" regulation to cover only soy and corn products. The proposed regulation covers only product for human consumption and will require the labeling of any GM product and any resulting product containing 1% of GM protein or DNA," according to the report.
Source: Foreign Agricultural Service, http://www.fas.usda.gov/gainfiles/200207/145783431.pdf |