Chance to submit comments about Codex food standards (May 13, 2002 – CropChoice opinion) – The World Health Organization is seeking public input as it evaluates WHO/FAO food standards program, including Codex Alimentarius, and that this is the first evaluation of Codex's international food code - and its standard setting-mechanisms - since Codex was established 40 years ago.
The WHO/FAO is inviting comments from the public to ensure that all those with a stake in the use of these food standards can make their views known.
The evaluation of comments is being done by an independent team and the
release suggests the public could, among other things, comment on:
COMMENTS ARE INVITED BY 13TH MAY although the consultation period ends in
spring 2003. So maybe there is some way that late entries can be considered.
They ask us to
send them to 'Programme Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, World Health
Organisation, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, fax 41 22 791 4807 e-m
Background information is on the following web sites:
The press contact is Gregory Hartl, Communications Advisor for Sustainable
Development and Healthy Environments, Tel: 41 22 791 4458 or Mob. 41 79 203
6715 E-m: hartlg@who.int