Global wariness of GM crops hits U.S. food exports (Aug. 30, 2001 – CropChoice news) – Global wariness of transgenic foods is taking its toll on U.S. exports of biotech foods, according to the U.S. government. For example, the European Union and some Asian countries are importing only food produced without the use of genetic engineering.
Japan, Taiwan and South Korea are buying nontransgenic corn and soy from Brazil and China instead of from the United States. The USDA has lowered its corn export forecast by 50 million bushels due, it admits, to the unacceptability of transgenic varieties in some foreign markets. Hungary also likely will export its expected bumper harvest of non-transgenic corn.
And now, the Philippines may prohibit transgenic crop tests, as well as the commercialization and importation of food with such ingredients.
See the special report on transgenic crops at www.guardian.co.uk