National Corn Growers Association issues legislative priority list (Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2003 -- CropChoice news) -- The National Corn Growers Association, in a letter to House and Senate leaders earlier this month, urged legislators to focus on three areas when it comes to agriculture and trade:
- Elimination of the European Union moratorium on genetically modified crops and defeat of the EU proposed legislation for labeling of such foods and tracing to their sources.
- Continue pushing China to eliminate its export subsidies for corn.
- Resolve a dispute with Mexico that has limited U.S. agribusiness access to that market for high fructose corn syrup. The issue involves Mexico's desire for a larger presence in the U.S. sugar market.
Source: http://www.soyatech.com/bluebook/news/viewarticle.ldml?a=20030121-10 |