Colorado biopharm briefing (Sunday, May 11, 2003 -- CropChoice news) -- From a media advisory.
What: News Media Briefing on Biopharmaceutical Applications in Colorado
When: Monday, May 12, 10:30am,
Where: On sidewalk below west-facing stairs of Capitol, Broadway, Denver
Contacts: Rocky Mountain Farmers Union - Jennifer Kemp 303-283-3540
Western Colorado Congress - Peter Crowell 970-252-9606
Bill Patterson 970-249-1978
Sierra Club - Gillian Dale 303-561-1201
Farm organizations and other concerned groups in Colorado have called on
Gov. Bill Owens to declare an immediate moratorium on the introduction
of biopharmaceutical crops (conventional food crops spliced with
pharmaceutical producing substances, such as hormones and proteins) into
the state until a public process is established to evaluate their risks
and they are proven safe. The groups are hosting a news briefing on May
12th to report on the Governor's response to their request. The group
will also discuss their concerns with the May 7th application by
Meristem Therapeutics to plant biopharmaceutical corn in Phillips County
this year.
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union's position on biopharmaceutical technology
is that while it may benefit a few producers economically, we would
strongly urge that all aspects of its impacts, including, economic,
health, and ecological, be thoroughly examined and proven safe prior to
it being approved," said RMFU Legislative Director Jennifer Kemp. "There
should also be ample opportunity for public comment and discussion on
this issue, which we have not seen to date."
The groups have called on Owens and state regulators to address standard
operating procedures for comprehensive treatment of biological and
physical containment, production and processing system segregation,
identity preservation, monitoring and auditing during field tests and
commercialization, waste management and disposal, accident detection,
response and reclamation.
Concerns have arisen due to past problems with the technology. Last
year, 500,000 bushels of soybeans were condemned and 150 acres of
cropland quarantined due to land damage in tests conducted in Iowa by
ProdiGene. When ProdiGene could not pay its $3 million fine for the
damage, the U.S. government loaned it the money to do so. ProdiGene,
along with French biopharm company Meristem Therapeutics, are the two
corporations requesting to grow biopharm crops in Colorado this year.
"Contamination by biopharm crops could threaten Colorado's image as a
place where safe, wholesome food is grown. A moratorium is crucial until
we are sure these crops are safe and can be segregated," said Peter
Crowell, a spokeperson for Western Colorado Congress. "We are worried
that the Department (of Agriculture) may approve Meristem's application
before there is a proper review procedure in place, one that allows the
public adequate time and information to comment."
Groups and individuals supporting the moratorium (as of this date) include:
- American Corn Growers Association, Washington, D.C.
- American Honey Producers
- Borden Farms, Delta, CO
- Boulder County Beekeepers Association, Niwot, CO
- Boulder Fruit Express, Boulder, CO
- Circle A Garden, Montrose, CO
- Colorado Organic Producers Association, Hesperus, CO
- Colorado Environmental Coalition
- Colorado Genetic Engineering Action Network, Broomfield, CO
- El Sagrado Farms, Karen and Colin Henderson, La Jara, CO
- Environment Colorado
- Farmers of the C and M, Inc., Montrose, CO
- Fox Den Farm, Olathe, CO
- Gabacho Farm, Dan Hobbs, Avondale, CO
- Golden Prairie, Inc., Nunn, CO
- Grant Family Farms, Wellington, CO
- Left Hand Grange #9, Niwot, CO
- Natural Law Party of Colorado, Broomfield, CO
- New Hope Natural Media, Boulder, CO
- Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, Greenwood Village, CO
- Sierra Club, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Denver, CO
- Straw Hat Farm, Montrose, CO
- Tres Ríos Agricultrual Cooperative, Inc., Pueblo, CO
- Valley Organic Growers Association, Paonia, CO
- Vitamin Cottage Natural Food Markets, Inc.
- Western Colorado Congress, Montrose, CO
- Concerned Citizens Resource Association, Mesa County, CO
- Sheep Mountain Alliance, San Miguel County, CO
- Uncompahgre Valley Association, Montrose County, CO
- Western Slope Environmental Resource Council, Delta County, CO
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