Monsanto's Verfaillie sees bright biotech future St. Louis Post - Dispatch,
Rachel Melcer, 09/11/02:
As head of Monsanto Co., Hendrik Verfaillie's second priority is to make a difference in St. Louis and the world.
No. 1 is to continue making profits by selling pesticides, genetically
modified seeds and biotechnology.
But profits will follow if Monsanto is socially responsible and helps its
community to grow, the chief executive said Tuesday during a
speech for the dean's breakfast at St. Louis University's John Cook School
of Business.
Verfaillie said that creating a vibrant local business and
social environment is key to attracting top researchers and other talent
who, in turn, create new products, and devoting a share of company resources
to addressing world hunger and environmental issues keeps employees excited
and committed to their jobs, adding, "Every company goes through ups and
downs. And when you go through a down period, it's very important that your
people are motivated and believe in what they're doing. ... That's what's
going to get you through."
see full story at: http://home.post-dispatch.com/channel/pdweb.nsf/42ebeea693b5c24585256a0d00791dde/86256a0e0068fe5086256c31003995c6?OpenDocument |